Monday, March 16, 2009

The team at Katrina Christ Melbourne are GREEN!

Green with envy that is. Our very own Nami has headed off on a belated honeymoon with her new hubby Andy to FRANCE!

We have all been helping her practice her French, however the vocabulary is pretty limited, and comme ci comme ca, (like this, like that) is a favourite! We have also had a French jazz album on high rotation in the studio which we can thankfully now retire!

As you can imagine Nami was running around like a crazy woman before she left, we even had a call as she was on her way to the airport. We look forward to hearing the stories (especially concerning the food) and seeing some pics when they return at the beginning of April. Until then we plan on getting our own French fix in the way of pastries and lattes!

Contact Details


Studio Phone Numbers
Brisbane - (07) 3891 5885
Sydney - (02) 9417 7722
Melbourne - (03) 9819 9988


My photo
Welcome to Katrina Christ Photographer. We are located in Australia with studios in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. We capture absolutely precious moments; your baby crawling for the first time, dimply bottoms, chubby legs, cheesy grins, sisters entwined, brothers wrestling, parents tickling kids, families laughing.